Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Equal access to computing technology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Equal access to computing technology - Case Study Example But the sad fact is that majority of the people are deprived of this new opportunities. They either do not have physical access to ICTs or do not have the necessary skills to make use of it. To deal with digital divide, the two most important things we need to create are the following. Ensure physical access to ICTs for everybody Whether ICTs are a solution to digital Divide? ICTs may be introduced when they are helpful in meeting the basic requirements of the people. When majority of the world’s population are suffering from poverty and illiteracy, physical access to internet or broadband alone is meaningless to them. So first priority shall be given to satisfying the basic requirements of the people and ICT could be introduced when it could meet some of their requirements. More than simply having physical access, providing various ICT based services could raise the standard of life of poor and illiterate people. Provide education so that everyone could develop skills to live in a digitalized world Education is the most important means through which we can deal with digital divide. Students can learn necessary skills from schools. So children in all schools and colleges should be provided access to computers and broadband connection. Through education we can deal with two types of digital divide.

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