Monday, September 30, 2019

Individual learning goals Essay

1.1 Analyse the role of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goal Gravells, (2012 p98), Initial assessment is a check on learners’ prior skill, knowledge or understanding which is carried out at the beginning of a programme or topic. In agreement with it could be formal, and mainly internal task which is produced by the school (ILP) to identify learners existing skills & achievements before the programme, gather information for course tutor, and individual background. In my practice, I carry out Individual Learning Plan (ILP) interviews to support the team and the Academy leader or to observe the new intakes as they complete their baseline work sheets which are part of requirements of the learning programme for individual or group of learners who have been admitted into the school on a long or short term contracts to set achievable targets, a realistic action plans and give teachers a starting point on each learner predicted grades. Also, I always carry out initial assessment at the start of each lesson to ascertain learner prior knowledge of the topic to be discussed using multiple choice questions, Oral Q&As, open and closed questions which motivates the learners and gets them engaged and to create an inclusive learning environment from the start of the lesson. In my practice, I facilitate the teaching and learning environment by planning for all individual leaners identified learning styles enhanced with appropriate resources like audio, video etc discovered by encouraging each learners to complete a self-evaluation questionnaire called a Learning Style Inventory (LSI) designed by Kolb (1984), while each learner chooses and develops an understanding of his or her learning preferences and use that understanding to enhance his or her own learning experience. Gravells (2012 p98) explained that diagnostic assessment could be used to ascertain information regarding practical/basic skills and minimum core like literacy, numeracy, ICT skills identified using learning or training needs analysis by observation and questioning to conform current competence, and understanding. It is a formal workplace assessment requirement in lifelong learning that helps to identify learners’ individual, support needs, preferred learning style. Diagnostic  assessment is an essential device in a teacher’s â€Å"tool kit†. It can be used to diagnose strengths and areas of need in all students. Diagnostic assessment involves the gathering and careful evaluation of detailed data using students’ knowledge and skills in a given learning area. The data assist teachers to plan for appropriate pedagogy and targeted learning to more effectively scaffold the learning needs of their students. Consequently, diagnostic assessment is used ‘for learning’ where taking action to adjust teaching plays a significant role in improving learning outcomes for all students. Fig1. Diagnostic assessment flowchart. Adapted from the ‘decision-making loop’, Saubern,R (2010 Learners are required to complete questionnaire like The VARK Questionnaire; to help analyse, identify and meet individual learners needs, preferred learning style and support to allow the learners attain their aim on the programme. 2.3: Reflect on how teaching methods meet the needs of all learners Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) promotes higher forms of thinking in education activities or learning like analysing and evaluating, rather than just remembering facts (rote learning) which includes three domains cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge), affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude or self) and psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills). For example, it is summarised as KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude), DTF (Do, Think, and Feel). In my practice, I mostly apply the cognitive domain teaching method approach which is appropriate to all the learners and the subject being taught because it promotes individual and collaborative learning, lectures, team-teaching, practical, research, case studies, discussion, peer teaching, role play, games etc which help me to meet the learners’ diverse needs. The learners get fully involved in the lesson and apply their mental knowledge to develop their intellectual skills (Bloom, 1956), by recalling or recognising specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills which start from the simplest behaviour to more complex ones As laid out in the citizenship scheme of work, I assess the learners to meet the assessment objective in  the content and skills set by the awarding body AQA using the (Bloom, 1956) approach which meets all the learners needs in terms of KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude). In my practice, the learners are informed of the topic to be discussed (Child Abuse), they think and try to recall data on the issue in the community, they discuss amongst themselves which promote LTT and interaction takes place. Figure 2 Abstract from AQA 2012 p32 They are able to explain in their own words what they understand by the topic being discussed, apply relevant laws that they researched using the website with past and recent events on child abuse, thereby meeting VAK (2009) Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic learning styles model as they move around and look to get the recent information. They also discuss and shout out researched examples that they know, revise and brainstorm by trying to suggest possible ways to stop the abuse by reporting, joining and advocating for charity organisations like NSPCC and so on and also suggest what the government needs to do in terms of increased punishment to offenders which promotes an inclusive class and meet the needs of all learners one way or the other. A four-stage cyclical theory of learning, Kolb’s experiential learning theory is a holistic perspective that combines experience, perception, cognition, and behaviour.’ Figure 2. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model Kolb believes â€Å"learning is the process where knowledge is created through the transformation of experience† (1984, p.38 cited in class Note 2014 pg. 5-7). The theory presents a cyclical model of learning, consisting of four stages shown above. One may begin at any stage, but must follow each other in the sequence: concrete experience (or â€Å"DO†), reflective observation (or â€Å"OBSERVE†), abstract conceptualisation (or â€Å"THINK†) and active experimentation (or â€Å"PLAN†). In my practice, I facilitate and lead the teaching and learning environment by planning for all individual learners’ identified learning styles, enhanced with appropriate resources like audio, video etc and discovered from learners’ completed self-evaluation  questionnaire called a Learning Style Inventory (LSI) designed by Kolb (1984), which promotes and encourages learner-centred and fun independent learning as each learner chooses and develops an un derstanding of his or her learning preferences and uses that understanding to enhance his or her own learning experience. In one of the lessons, the learners requested to seat in an informal manner like seating sideways or on the computer. After negotiating with them, they accepted to follow the seating arrangement in the physical classroom to accommodate their different learning styles, which is the traditional desk and chair, pair setting that allows them to perform and concentrate better and be engaged in the lesson as illustrated by Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model cited in the class note (2014).In agreement with Kolb, (1984), I plan and develop variety of learning activities that will accommodate the different learning styles of the learners (role plays, instructional games, reading, individual assignments, group discussions, brainstorming, online research, design a poster, etc.) which the most difficult, and time-consuming task. In conclusion, I believe that learning models facilitate the process of linking instructional activities to individual learning styles, thereby increasing the lea rner’s ability to acquire and retain knowledge after they’ve been armed with the knowledge of how they learn, they are able to select appropriate activities, allowing them to learn more quickly, and retain the new information, their study would be much more productive. 2.4: Identify ways in which session plans can be adapted to meet the individual need of the learners Schools awarding body, AQA, (2012 p20) explains in the GCSE specification handbook that diversity and inclusion are promoted by making arrangements for candidates with special needs to help them access the GCSE qualification and subject criteria assessments whether any of the skills or knowledge needed by the subject presented a possible difficulty to any candidates, whatever their ethnic background, religion, sex, age, disability or sexuality. In my practice, I plan to promote equality in the classroom to meet the needs of individual learners by differentiating my lesson. For example, in my starter activity, I set higher targets for the gifted & talented learners like level 4 learners to complete 5 questions & level 7 learners to complete 10 questions which keeps them  engaged and challenged to throughout the lesson. I always remember when planning to take a step back at some point of the lesson, by encouraging the G&T learners to record ideas, teach and model their writing or thinking on the smart board, as they demonstrate, explain answers/solution to a task to a neighbour or the class while the less able learners get engaged and consciously correct any error made. The Education Act (1996), Human Right Act (1998), The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA), in agreement with The new Statutory Guidance on Inclusive Schooling from the Department for Education and Skills (DfES, 2001) gives clear and strong messages to LEAs, Schools and other bodies that the development of inclusion in schools is ‘principles of an inclusive ed ucation service’ which is cited in SCCD Note 2012 p20) 3.1: Review ways in which elements of the minimum core can be demonstrated in planning inclusive learning and teaching The minimum core includes literacy, numeracy, language & ICT. It is a current government requirement across the National Curriculum initiative (2002) which has now been implemented into each school and teachers need to enhance and provide opportunities for the learners to demonstrate appropriate knowledge in functional skills (Ellis, 2004 p92). For example, the Numeracy across the Curriculum initiative (2002) was adapted by each subject department especially maths by organizing, and designing a numeracy co-ordinate scheme of work to link using maths in the real world. It set out an agreed approach to the teaching of agreed numeracy skills, methods of calculations, and the use of calculators and ICT etc as explained in Ellis (2004 p94). In my practice, I created a starter in my lesson plan to identify learners’ prior knowledge and build upon the maths with whic h they have been exposed to and makes them feel confident. This allows me to identify learners who have particular difficulty with maths or with every other numeric issues as argued in Ellis, (2004 p97), allowing all the learners to interact positively and discuss as a group telling each other what they know and when they learnt it (mostly in their primary schools) which creates an inclusive learning and teaching atmosphere. In agreement with cross-curricular priorities (2002, cited in Ellis, (2004 p97), I ensured that I decided on SMART and differentiated learning objectives which focuses on and relates to accuracy, interpretation and  presentation and reasoning and problem solving which will normally involve consolidation of maths skills and application of the topic being taught. I recall use real life long multiplication problems to provide opportunities for the all the learners to interpret and apply just multiplying 2 or 3 digits numbers together to reasoning on how it is used on a daily basis without knowing which was fascinating to them. In my practice, I decide and plan several teaching and assessment strategies like questioning, worksheet, discussion, individual/group/ peer assessment etc which allows the learners to think and reflect on their knowledge of mathematics in order to decide by themselves what is expected of them. For example, in my last mathematics lesson, I handed out mental maths worksheet with 10 questions without explain to them what to do as a starter, they attempted all the questions and self-evaluate themselves. Also, the National Curriculum (DfEE/QCA 2000) and the Framework for Secondary English defined literacy as reading, writing and speaking and listening to maintain parity. Wray (2001), makes the point when discussing literacy in relation to teaching and learning that: â€Å"It is usual for secondary teachers to recognise that many of the processes involved in supporting literacy are also involved in developing learning† (Wray 2001, p50 cited in Ellis 2004, p83) In my practice, I plan to embed activities like literacy Skill activity to provide opportunities for the learners to demonstrate their reading, writing, listening etc skill in my lesson, in my literacy objectives (taken from the Strategy’s Framework), but I first of all identify, before I select the aspect of literacy that the learners needs to develop, which will blend in with the topic being taught, and decide the appropriate strategies that will help them to be able to meet the objectives in the lesson as mentioned by Ellis (2004, p83). As explained by Ellis (2004, p83), my school maths department, adapts the scheme of work from The Framework for Secondary English (2008) which includes literacy objective in combination with QCA’s scheme of work their publications Language for Learning (QCA 2000) and language at Work in lessons (QCA 2001) which demonstrate, through worked example, how literacy objectives can be employed effectively in planning the classroom practice. For example, I recall always asking the learners about their prior knowledge (Langer, 1981 cited in Ellis 2004, p83) at the start of each lesson on a topic to be discussed, which allows me to assess their knowledge as a basis for further  planning, allowing them to listen, speak and have a good interactive discussion amongst themselves which automatically creates an inclusive learning and teaching atmosphere. I also, plan to observe the learners as they read, write and compose, demonstrate, carry out individual/group activities etc as the main part of the lesson which is an idea derived from Vygotsky (1962). In plenary to reflect upon and take control of the learning which can develop their metacognitive intelligence, (one of seven different intelligences identified by Gardner, 1993 cited in Ellis, 2004 p85) ICT Across the Curriculum initiative (2004) was described as â€Å"the technical and cognitive proficiency to access, use, develop, create and communicate information appropri ately using ICT tools. Learners demonstrate this capability by applying technology purposefully to solve problems, analyse and exchange information develop ideas create models and control devices. They are discriminating in their use of information and ICT tools and systematic in reviewing and contribution that ICT can make to their work as it progresses† (DfES 2004, p.7 cited in Ellis 2004, p105). In line with write ups in Figure 10.1 cited in Ellis 2004, p105), and with the other cores, I firstly plan the activities like learning outcomes, assessment point, timing, and learners expectations in detail, I prepare support materials like interactive worksheets, displays, plan to assess and evaluate what I want the learners to achieve from the activity with the use of learning objectives, refer to the actual aspect of the activities that provided opportunities for the learner to demonstrate ICT, and discuss and get feedbacks from the learners in terms of access to the equipment and link, and students ca pabilities. In my practice, I plan to provide opportunities for the learners to demonstrate their ICT skills by introducing the topic and outlining the lesson objectives on the smart board, and instruct them to access the ICT and on the familiar world wide web links I plan for them to research the topic and study independently on it for few minutes before handing out the worksheet for them to check for their knowledge, have a group discussion and self/peer/ peer assessment. I plan for learners with ADHD to complete their work and access the maths game, which serves as a short break before returning to their work which always encourages all the learners to be engaged and complete their work and meet the set target for the lesson promoting  inclusive learning and teaching environment. REFERENCES 1. Anderson, L. W. et all (2013) Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains 2. Chapman, A (2005-2012) free VAK learning styles test. â€Å"vak – visual, auditory, kinesthetic – learning styles model and free selftest† (online) accessed 20/06/2014 @ 11.30 3. Ellis et al (2004) â€Å"Learning and Teaching in the secondary school† Professional knowledge across the curriculum (Part 3) Teaching Literacy across the curriculum (chapter 8) 4th Edn. Learning Matter 4. Ellis et all (2004) â€Å"Learning and Teaching in the secondary school† Professional knowledge across the curriculum (Part 3) Teaching Numeracy across the curriculum (chapter 9) 4th Edn. Learning Matter 5. Ellis et al (2004) â€Å"Learning and Teaching in the secondary school† Professional knowledge across the curriculum (Part 3) Teaching ICT across the curriculum (chapter 10) 4th Edn. Learning Matter 6. Fleming, N (2011) â€Å"VARK – A guide to learning style† The VARK Questionnaire-How Do I Learn Best? english/page.asp?p=questionnaire accessed 19/05/2014 @ 12.00 7. Gravels, Ann. (2012) Passing PTLLS assessments 2nd Edn. Chapters10,11 12 sage publications, UK. 8. Kolb, David A. 1984. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood, Cliffs, N.J. 9. SCCD Hand Notes (2012).†Developing Differentiation and lesson planning skills† What makes a good lesson (pg. 17-20) 10.SCCD Hand Notes (2012).†Developing Differentiation and lesson planning skills† What makes a good lesson (pg. 17-20) 11. SCCD Hand Notes (2014 pg.5-7 ) Learning-approaches-principles-and-theories-2011-09-12.pdf Division of Learning &Teaching Services 2011 12. SCCD Note (2014) â€Å"Chapter 1: Know Yourself — Socrates Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model† Unit 3: Foundations for Success Lesson 7: Learning Models accessed 21/06/2014 @ 01:00 B

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chisti Dargah Essay

In Ajmer city, there is a Dargah Shriff of Hazrat Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti which is indeed an ornament to this city. A holiest place where not only Muslims but other caste people also visit as it is a place of worship for them. Since Khwaja Saheb came to India, he enjoys great respect and devotion universally and known as a ‘Living Spirit† of Harmony and peace. He considered as a redeemer of human suffering and one of the greatest spirits. He has been a source of moral strength and enlightenment of spirituality. Both Hindu and Muslim are faithful and worshipers of Khwaja Saheb. Not only common man, even many mighty kings of Hindustan (India) have worshiped and submitted their self to this great saint. There are precious buildings and various rich charities dedicated to the Dargah of Khwaja Saheb. These are living memorials given by the people of India in the memory of Khwaja Saheb from 750 years. The Dargah is at extream north of Taragarh Hill and here it has the tomb of the great saint. The tomb is main attraction of the Dargah and considered as sanctum of the Dargah. There are amny other prominent attraction which also catches the eyes of visitors as soon as they visit the Dargah. There are two Buland Darwaza, which were built under the vision of Sultan of Malwa, Sultan Ghyasuddin Khilji. He ruled Malwa from 1469 to 1500 A.D. There is another Buland Darwaza(now uses as main entrance) in the north of the Dargah, it was built by H.E.H. Nisam Usman Ali Khan of Hyderabad Deccan in 1915 A.D. It was built at a cost of Rs. 55,857/-. On the top of this Buland Darwaza, there is the main Naqqar Khana (drum house) containing two pairs of huge naqqars (beating drums). These were gifted by Emperor Akbar after his successful victory in a campaign of Bengal. These naqqars (beating drums) are sounded to the accompaniment of music played on Nafeeries and Shahnias. These are sounded only at certain fixed hours of every day and night of the year only by musicians permanent employees of the Dargah. There are many other attractive buildings, tombs, courtyards and Daalaans in the Dargah, Some of which are excellent examples of the Moghul architecture and were erected during the Moghul period. Akbar (the first Moghul Emperor who visited Dargah) visited the Dargah on foot when Ajmer came under his possession. There is a Akbari Masjid in the Dargah built in 1571 A.d. by  Akbar which is a spacious mosque (140Ãâ€"140) feet. Later It was repaired in 1901 A.D. by Nawab Ghafoor Ali of Danapur. As per given on the Website of Dargah Shrine Dargah Shrief, a place where wishes and desires come true. Devotees from all over the world visit this Dargah to be blessed by Khawaja Baba and to fulfill their desires. More often than not their wishes do come true and the wish fulfillment is usually followed by devotees offering flowers, gilaf (velvet cloth), ittar (non-alcoholic perfume) and sandal wood powder. Besides these offerings they also recite Quran, Nafal Namaz, Milad and Aayat-e-Karima and Khatam Khawajgan. Services provided by Dargah Shrine: * Sufies, Dervash and Aulia Allah started the custom of arranging Langars (free distribution of food for all the makhlooks (mankind) and this is now considered as one of the biggest charity one can offer. We arrange Langar, which includes one deg of biryani that can feed 70 people. Note: This should not be included as part of Zakat money. * We make it possible for you to participate in all the activities of Dargah Sharief. The activities include milad, khatam of Quran, special monthly prayers for members etc. This entails becoming a member of our silsila. * Make transport and lodging arrangement, package trips and also offer services of ourguesthouse for free stay. * Make arrangement for donating a room for people visiting the Dargah Sharief We believe Khawaja Baba’s blessings can cure any disease, business or personal problems. If you have any problem please tell us we will pray to lmighty Allah and he will listen out prayer with the blessing of Khawaja Gharib Nawaz R.A. THE MISSION OF KHAWAJA SAHIB It is a well-known historical fact that in spreading the ethical and spiritual values of Islam, major and effective contributions have been made by the walis of Allah (saints). It was their humanistic disposition and pity, which won over the hearts of lakhs of people. They made a direct contact with the masses, served and loved them, lived with them in the realisation of Eternal Truth. Haji Syed Mohammed Sayeed Chishty * The proof of this is more than evident from the history of growth of Islam in India. Although Islam had penetrated in this subcontinent in the first century of Hijra, but the noble task of inspiring the people to its tenets and values in India was accomplished by Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty (R.A.) popularly known as Khwaja Sahib and Khwaja Gharib Nawaz. He did it all through his great moral power, glorious and appealing character, with love and dedication to mankind, without any worldly resources of wealth, power, force and material means. * Khwaja Sahib was a scholar of great repute. He interpreted the true Islamic message of love for mankind and through that, the love for the Almighty creator. He preached the Quranic philosophy of the unity of religion and worked out its potentialities for  the whole humanity. He was the greatest mystic of his time. He laid the foundation of the liberal Chishtia order of sufis in India, and inspired millions of souls to be his followers and thus served the masses of the Indian Sub-continent. Why Ajmer Was Chosen Why Ajmer was only selected to be poineer of Hazrat Khawaja Muinuddin Chishti’s mission in India? This is a very general question which may be asked by some critical readers. A microscopic study of the history of India before Khawaja Saheb’s arrival, and of the period of his stay in Ajmer will answer this question successfully. Dargah shrine have already thrown sufficient light on this point, Shrine trace a brief history of Ajmer and the Khawaja Saheb’s Dargah which attracts millions of people every year to seek spiritual blessings of the great saint. Geographically, Ajmer is situated in the heart of Rajasthan, at one time the citadel of India kingdom, and thus it suited the grand mission of Khawaja Saheb best. Politically, Ajmer the seat of a most powerful kingdom of the last Rajput Emperor of India, Raja Prithviraj Chauhan (1179-1192 A.D.) whose whole life was â€Å"one of unbroken chain of chivalrous deeds and glorious exploits which have won for him eternal fame and a name that will last as long as chivalry itself.† Prithviraj was the son of Someshwara (1170-1179 A.D.) who was the 29th descendant in the lineage of King Vasudeva who flourished as far back as 551 A.D. Vasudeva has descended from Chahuan (the founder of the Rajput clan of Chauhans) whose date is untraceable in the description of Ajmer. As given in Sarga IX of the famous documentary â€Å"Prithviraj Vijaya†, runs as below:- The city was so densely populated and there were so many gardens, tanks and wells that not more than one-tenth of the earth was visible to sun, and water in the wells was only two cubits from the ground surface. Karpurdevi (mother of Prithviraj) under whose regency he was brought up also founded a town†. Describing Ajmer in his â€Å"Picturesque India† (p.77) Mr. Caine, says:- â€Å"It is an ancient, beautiful city full of interest, both historical and architectural; its gay busy bazars and its old houses with carved fronts, some of which are among the finest in India, giving added attractions to its superb situation. A well-built stone wall with give gateways surrounds the city†. Source: –

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Tesco in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tesco in India - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that India is amongst the largest countries based on size and population across the world. Its population is more than 1 billion. There is a wide range of economic, as well as, social classes, religions, cultures, languages, and geographies within India. Therefore, it is important for any business operating in India to meet the wide range of consumers’ needs. The extremely large population reflects the opportunities for global businesses, especially the retail stores to invest within the country. Â  Tesco started its operations in 1929, in Britain. It is the leading food retail chain in the country and the third largest globally. In the 1980s, it was amongst the global retail chains that tried the concept of large supermarkets out-of-town. The company has come up with several innovations since the 1990s, including new store concepts, i.e. Tesco Metro and Tesco Express. Tesco Metro is a city store that serves all the needs of the con sumers. Tesco Express was the petrol station store in the United Kingdom. In 1995, the company introduced a Clubcard, which is a shopping card for its loyal customers. It was the first card of the kind in the United Kingdom. The company launched online selling in 2000, through its website It started spreading globally in 1994. Currently, more than 50 percent of the company’s space is its international operations. Since 2000, the company has started focusing on non-food items, which, for example, has made it the leading retailer of CDs.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Total Quality Management and Operational Management Control Assignment

Total Quality Management and Operational Management Control - Assignment Example Although a generalization is made based on the evidence gathered but if, even a single logic is proved wrong the whole generalization is considered inappropriate. These generalizations are made only if after the data is organized. Our research methodology is based on this strategy and the answers to the questions are generalized to make conclusions about the company strategy. Questionnaires reduce bias. There is uniform question presentation and no middle-man bias. The researcher's own opinions will not influence the respondent to answer questions in a certain manner. There are no verbal or visual clues to influence the respondent. Questionnaires are less intrusive than telephone or face-to-face surveys. When a respondent receives a questionnaire in the mail, he is free to complete the questionnaire on his own time-table. Unlike other research methods, the respondent is not interrupted by the research instrument The questionnaires give more objectives and standardised responses than the interviews as a particular defined pattern is specified. Questionnaires are the quickest way to collect information, however they take a relatively long time not only to design but also to apply and analyse. The main advantage of questionnaire over other research techniques is that more information can be collected in short span of time from a large portion of a group. Although returns from questionnaires are usually low but these return rates can be dramatically improved if the questionnaire is delivered to specific targeted groups and is responded in time. The questions in the questionnaires can be of two types: open ended and close ended. Open ended questions are targeted to get obscure information from a person and the analysis on the questionnaire is done on the basis of the answer of the questionnaire. Whereas closed ended questions are targeted questions in which particular information is asked by the person and a pre analysed answer sheet is usually maintained, based upon which results are formulated. Advantages of Closed-Ended Questions These questions are quick to answer as they are targeted to specifics of the subject. Usually such questions are multiple choice questions which require only the selection of right answer. Close Ended questions are easy to code as the questionnaire mainly consist of multiple choice questions. The answers can be analysed quickly on the basis of a prepared Performa. The answers are not differentiated between articulate and inarticulate respondents (Hendricks, K. B., and V. R. Singhal. 1997). Disadvantages of Closed-Ended Questions Close Ended questions also have some disadvantages. Few can draw misleading

Thursday, September 26, 2019

OSMOREGULATION IN CLAMWORMS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

OSMOREGULATION IN CLAMWORMS - Essay Example They are the large common estuarines. They are also found on the brackish waters. (Oglesby, 1968). Now they are also found at Africa, coastal Europe and Southern Australia. They grow to a height of 190 mm and lives for one year. They reproduce sexually. The most important characteristic of this species is that they are able to withstand the temperature range of 12 - 35Â °C and survive at a salinity range of 65 ppt for long time and 80 ppt for short time. They are good osmoregulators. Osmoregulation is na active regulation of the osmosis pressure of the body fluids (mainly water) with that of the environmental conditions. Osmosis is maintained both by the terrestrial and marine animals. They do so by excretion through the organs such as kidney and skin. Osmoregulation is of two types, they are osmoregulators and osmo conformers. Osmoregulators are strict regulators of salt and water concentration in the body to that of the environment. osmoconformers match their body fluid concentrat ion to that of the environment.(Masterson, 2008). Neries virens species is able to withstand the salt water content from 5 % to 100%. Some studies have found that they are also able to withstand twice the salt concentration that of salt water. They are only slightly hyperosmotic whereas most of the worms are in osmotic equilibrium with the sea. Review of literature: The body fluids of Nereis are isoosmotic for the sea water. Osmoregulation is one of the important functions of the gut, dorsal pores and the body surface. The salts are transported by active transport and the water by osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of the water (solvent) from high concentration to low concentration across a semi permeable membrane. Here the cell membrane acts as the semi permeable membrane. The influence of the sea water on the weight of the body. The greater the dilution, the greater the increase in the body weight. The worm tends to accommodate itself to the new environment. After the increase in th e body weight, they tend to return back to the normal weight if they are left in the original sea water. These euryhaline osmoregulators are thus capable of surviving in reduced, increased salinity levels. They are found to show two types of blood osmo regulation. First they act as hyper osmotic in the diluted sea water with greater osmo regulatory control. Two important mechanisms are stated for this hyper osmotic capability. The transport of the body salts from the body surface to the body fluid through the medium. The second mechanism is by the reduction of the permeability of the body surface to the solutes and solvents. (Oglesby, 1968). For increasing salt concentrations of upto 2 times the salt concentration they act as hypo- osmotic. The concentration of salt in sea water is 1000 m – Osmole / liter and the blood of Nereis contains about 340 – 500 m – Osmole / liter at marine conditions and 280 – 360 m – Osmole / liter at the fresh water leve ls. The pH of the coelomic fluid was found to increase as the salinity of the water increases. If the salt concentration is higher at the outer environment, the water moves out of the body of the Nereis and thus loses its weight in order to maintain the osmotic pressure as constant. They adapt to the environment very quickly because of the well developed excretory organs. Pronephridia are the excretory and osmoregulaatory organs that are able to drive out the excess water and the waste products. (Whitton, 1975). Another study investigated the osmotic stress due to the long term assimilation and short term assimilation of salinity changes. A single worm was exposed to different salt concentration at different time intervals for a period of 14 days and the changes in weight were measured at continuous time intervals. Another worm

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Michael Jacksons Thriller Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Michael Jacksons Thriller - Case Study Example Eighty years later, we came up with all sorts f things that those early pioneers f the twenties could have ever dreamed. There are many different recording techniques and technologies in today's studio business. To fully understand the different techniques and technologies in the studio business, one would need to know exactly what a studio is and how the Thriller was recorded. Thriller's studio was a room acoustically tuned for the purpose f getting the best sound possible on tape while using a microphone pickup. In other words, the studio needed to be structurally isolated in order to keep outside sounds from entering the room and getting on tape. The studio was also designed to keep internal sounds form leaking out and disturbing the surrounding environment. There are many types f studios. They vary in size, shape, and acoustic design in accordance with the personal tastes f the owners. For example, Thriller's studio that was designed to record a great deal f rock music was small in size with highly absorbent walls. On the other hand, a recording studio designed for orchestral film scoring would be much larger by comparison, possibly with high ceilings. Some f the first studios back in th e fifties and sixties were relatively large in size. Recording studios have generally decreased in size over the last two decades. This is mainly due to the fact that in the fifties and sixties the musicians had to perform at the same time. Today, technology allows musicians to come in and record their own part; then, later that will be added to the final record. This process is called "overdubbing". Overdubbing is when one puts a part on tape at different times, different studios, or even in a different city. This process happens in a different part f the studio called the control room. In the recording f Thriller, the control room served two purposes in recording studio. The first was that the room was acoustically optimized to act as a critical listening environment. The second was that it housed the majority f studio equipment. A mixing board is a very common piece f equipment in the control room. The mixing board allows the engineer to mix together and control basically all the devices fond in the studio. A recording console is another piece f equipment one might find in the control room. The console's basic function is the large task f enabling any combinations f inputs, outputs, and effects to be made. In order f or one to fully understand the recording process that takes place in a recording studio, they need to be familiar with some terms and pieces f equipment that one would use in a studio. In Thriller's recording one piece f equipment which played a very important role was transducer. A transducer is any device which changes one kind f energy for another. A sensor f a CD player or playback leads f a tape recorder are both common examples f a transducer. Another device is an amplifier or anything that makes an electrical copy f an electrical signal. A machine that consists f the controls, or divided to allow control over a number f narrow frequency range is called an equalizer. Additional speaker aimed to allow talkers or performers to monitor or hear himself

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Presentation Essentials IP Week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Presentation Essentials IP Week 5 - Essay Example The examples listed in the topic discussion give real evidence on some of the successful entrepreneurs that have managed to apply interesting business ideas. For instance, it mentions Magic Johnson who used his savings from the property he got from the repairs he made after buying a house. The intended audiences for the topic discussions include; business personnel and entrepreneurs who are aiming at making huge profits from their savings and money meant for business (Howell-Carey & Carey, 2004). Research sources My research sources on the topic include; ‘Learning About Lakefront Property by United States Environment Protection’ ‘The New Path To Real Estate Wealth by Chantal Howell Carey and Bill Carey’ and ‘Legal Aspects of Owning and Managing Woodlands by Thom Mcevoy’ (United States Environment Protection, 2012). The research resources have been useful in giving noteworthy tips of selling and owing income property through using significant bus iness ideas. For instance ‘learning about lake front property states ways an individual discovers pertinent idea of investing on the properties he/she possess either through buying or selling. Other sources states various ways a person can invest on the properties he/she has to generate maximum profits from them. ... The body section highlights on the importance of dealing with focused renters since they determine whether a business person dealing with the process of buying the property will be successful (United States Environment Protection, 2012). Further, a business entrepreneur ought to focus on incredibly low opportunity when purchasing low cost rental property. The author of the book advises business personnel having 20 to 30 dollars to invest in income property and find a suitable location for the business. On the next part, the section of the discussion states a real life example that states the importance of looking what the future holds; it is important to prepare amicably. The appropriateness and effectiveness of your visual aids The visual aids are important in assisting the audience comprehends the concept of the topic being discussed. Hence, I was forced to use visual aids such as charts; graphs and sign language to express and explain my point out valiantly and easily. For example , the charts had good images that showed the audience the best properties to look for when purchasing them. It is important for them to choose something good that will satisfy them (United States Environment Protection, 2012). The audience were able to see the statistics on the properties discussed easily hence making them aware on the expenditure they apply when purchasing them. The visual aids were attached on a mini billboard that was easy to be shown to the audiences easily. The effectiveness of your presentation The effectiveness of my presentation was that I managed to teach and edify the audience on the topic I was discussing; which was ‘The Positive Points of Owning

Monday, September 23, 2019

What role does Lex Mercatoria Play in international commercial Essay

What role does Lex Mercatoria Play in international commercial contracts - Essay Example XX century was marked by the rapid surge in international economic relations, which led to an increase of the world trade volume and accelerated the trade turnover between partners from different countries. But amid the dynamic changes of relations in the international commercial turnover, the legal regulation of these relations did not undergo a radical transformation. Such means as collision and substantive rules of national legislation of parties in dispute or the provisions of international contracts were traditionally used. However, in recent years the existence of a certain group of relations, which regulation goes beyond the specified levels, manifested itself. These are relations developing in the process of international trade implementation. Trade has always been a key element in international relations. Due to trade, the exchange of knowledge, customs and traditions among different peoples occurred. Trade also encouraged the development of other economic activities (e.g., banking, insurance and so on.) Any actively developing phenomena require adequate regulation; otherwise, it is impossible to achieve the objectives, pursued by members of the international commercial trade. In this case, the mechanism of regulation must meet, on the one hand, the interests of the market, and, on the other - the needs of the participants of trade relations (Selden, 1995). Objective reality of today is the inability of national legislations to fully resolve the whole range of problems, arising in the process of international commercial

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Thomas Hobbes Leviathan - Essay Example This essay stresses that coping with the state of nature for both the artificial and natural human requires adaptability in coping with interactional challenges, in addition to moral challenges. Nature is considered sovereign as it is the art of God’s creation and governing of the world. Interaction with nature, therefore, requires some adaptability and coping skills for both the natural and artificial man. The artificial and the natural humans must adhere to certain conditions provided by the natural law for easier interaction and/or coping. Hobbes describes the artificial human or commonwealth as sovereign over the natural man, contrary to the fact that the natural man is considered sovereign over other artificial things. This paper makes a conclusion that the statement is misguiding due to the clear relationship between the divine, civil and natural laws. The natural law is all-inclusive to the human species, with God as the sovereign power or authority. The moral law of nature provides the human with character transformation and adaptability, happiness, virtues, and the imperatives and moral obligation of good and evil, for the good of the human. Hence, there is a clear difference and distinction between natural justice and the legal conventions of both the natural and artificial man. The critics to Hobbes’ work, such as Gauthier, are a clear indication of the discrepancies and contradictions in his work, and lack reliable evidence to support his conclusions and perceptions on the natural law.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Market Segmentation Essay Example for Free

Market Segmentation Essay An organization cannot satisfy all the needs and wants of all the consumers. Therefore, Market is divided into different segments so an organization can focus on the needs and wants of the specific consumers who share similar needs and demonstrate similar buyer behavior. In the world, there are different types of buyers with their own needs and behavior. Segmentation is the process to match groups of the purchasers with same needs and wants. Market segmentation: The division of a market into different groups or the process of splitting customers in a market into different groups or segments, within which customers show similar buying behavior and share a similar level of interest in the same set of needs and wants satisfied by a marketer is called Market segmentation. Reasons for segmentation of market: The reason for segmenting a market is to allow your marketing program to focus only on the segment that is most likely to buy your offering. Market segmentation makes possible how to use marketing mix for different target markets. A company is then able to determine which groups of customers are best suited to serve and which product and service offers will meet the needs of the customers and will satisfy them. Therefore, the main objective of segmentation must be how to win and retain the customers you want to serve. If the segmentation process is done properly then it will insure the maximum return for your marketing and sales expenditures, depending on what you are selling and whether you are selling your offerings to individual consumers or a business. Levels of Market Segmentation †¢Segment Marketing †¢Individual Marketing †¢Niche Marketing †¢Local Marketing Segment Marketing: Dividing the market into different segments on the basis of homogenous need. Segmented on basis of broad similarity with regard to some attributes. Segmentation is also sometimes identifying, capturing retaining potential new markets. Individual Marketing: Extreme marketing in which marketers focus on individual customers. Keep track of individual tastes preferences of individual customers. Many companies are approaching individuals through e-mails to promote their products. Niche Marketing: Marketer’s effort to position their product or service in smaller markets that have similar attributes and have been neglected by other marketer. Segment further divided into sub segments to cater unsatisfied needs of small group is called as niche. Local Marketing: Marketers offer customized products to suit the local markets. McDonalds introduced â€Å"Muslimized† or â€Å"Arabic† products such as Big Mac, Halal Chicken, Mac Arabia, and more†¦ Variables to Segment the Market: There are a number of segmentation variables that allow an organization to divide their market into homogenous groups. These variables will be discussed briefly below: †¢Geographic †¢Demographic †¢Psychographic †¢Behavioral Geographic segmentation It is based on regional variables such as region, climate, population density, and population growth rate. Geographic segmentation divides markets into different geographical areas. Marketers use geographic segmentation because consumers in different parts of world vary in characteristics and behaviors. An area can be divided by the town, the region or the country. If you are an organization working on a global scale you may divide by global regions such as Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa. Example: McDonalds globally, sell burgers aimed at local markets, for example, They also offer vegetable burgers in India due to lots of vegetarians and burgers are made from lamb in India rather than beef because of religious issues also. In Mexico more chili sauce is added and so on. In Muslim countries halal food is offered. In Arabic countries Arabic food is offered like Mc Arabia. Demographic Segmentation It is based on variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, education, occupation, income, and family status. Demographics originate from the word ‘demography’ which means a ‘study of population’. The population can be divided into age, gender, income, and family lifecycle amongst other variables. As people age their needs and wants change, some organizations develop specific products aimed at particular age groups. Gender segmentation is commonly used within the cosmetics, clothing and magazine industry. Income segmentation is another strategy used by many organizations Products and services are also aimed at different lifecycle segments. Examples: ïÆ'ËœFor different age groups: Nappies for babies, toys for children, clothes for teenagers and so on. Introduction of Maxim, ( male lifestyle magazine covering male fashion, films, cars, sports and technology. Psychographic Segmentation: oIt is based on variables such as values, attitudes, opinions, interests, personality and lifestyle. oIt is used highly in the hospitality industry oVALS (Values And Lifestyles) Principle Oriented- principles or beliefs rather than feelings, events, or desire for approval. Status Oriented- status or other people’s actions, approval, or opinions. ï‚ §Action Oriented- action prompted by a desire for social or physical activity, variety, and risk taking. Behavioral Segmentation: It is based on variables such as usage rate and patterns, price sensitivity, brand loyalty, and benefits sought. It refers to why people purchase a product or service. How will the product enhance their overall lifestyle? Occasion is another variable. When should a product be purchased? Occasion segmentation aims to increase the ‘reason to buy factor’ and thus increase sales. Usage rate divides customers into light, medium and heavy users. Heavy users obviously contribute more to turnover then light or medium users, the objective of an organization should be to attract heavy users who will make a greater contribution to company sales. It is based on benefits people seek when buying a product. It is based on Total satisfaction from a service rather than individual benefits. Examples: When someone is going out to dinner McDonalds and local restaurant will not come in the same breathe for choices of where to go. When purchasing a computer the benefit sought will be of ‘ease of use’. ïÆ'ËœThe demand for turkeys increases during Christmas, flowers and chocolates on mother’s day and so on.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Special Education Needs, Access and Inclusion

Special Education Needs, Access and Inclusion This assignment will address issues on dyspraxia and how children with this condition are included in mainstream schools. Firstly a brief history of dyspraxia, with some definition of dyspraxia and statistical information on the condition will ne included. Also how dyspraxia affects a child and the childs learning will be considered along side how teachers provide inclusion for children with dyspraxia. Definitions of the word inclusion will be explored, as well as the importance of a SENCO, the role and responsibilities of the SENCO and support that is provided for children with dyspraxia. Finally strategies for supporting children with this condition such as IEPs (individual education plans) will be considered. This section will discuss the history behind dyspraxia and according to BBC (2011) Dyspraxia was documented when Orton (1937, pp72) used the term congenital maladroitness. He recognised that disorders of the actual doing of a task (praxis) resulted in clumsiness. These children were called clumsy children and dyspraxia was known as clumsy child syndrome. In the USA this condition was first given recognition through the work of Strauss and Lehitinen in 1947. There are number of definitions of dyspraxia Addy (2003, p.7) states that the term dyspraxia is taken from the Greek dys meaning ill and praxis meaning doing, acting and practice. Another definition suggested by Tassoni (2003, p205) dyspraxia is a developmental disorder that affects childrens control and co-ordination of movement. Dyspraxia foundation (2011) identifies dyspraxia has an impairment or immaturity of the organisation of movement which leads to associated problems with language, perception and thought. Statistics show that boys are more likely to have dyspraxia than girls but when girls have this condition they are worst hit than boys. According to Macintyre (2001, p.12) boys: girls are affected 4:1 but when girls have the condition, they tend to be more severely affected. It is estimated that dyspraxia affects at least 2% of the general population to some degree. Macintyre (2001, p12) states that eight to ten per cent of children have some degree of dyspraxia. Dyspraxia is difficult to diagnose which is complex situation for teachers to recognise. The reasons for this are that it may get confused with other condition. Macintyre (2001, p.12) point out there is often overlap with another syndrome. Some of the characteristics of children with dyspraxia are they may have difficulty walking, hopping, skipping, throwing and catching a ball, riding a bike. Delay in using spoken language and speech that is difficult to understand. The child may bump into objects due to lack of ordination. Addy (2003, p.11) states that frequently bumps into things. The child may have difficulty in doing fine-motor skills activities such as tying shoelaces or buttoning clothing. They may have difficulty with handwriting. Poor sense of direction and they may find it difficult to organise themselves and their work. The affects of dyspraxia on the child are that speech difficulties can interfere with casual conversation, which can result in social awkwardness and unwillingness to risk engaging in conversation. Writing difficulties such as poor letter formation, pencil grip and slow writing can make school work frustrating. Tassoni (2003, p206) states that older children may find it difficult to produce legible handwriting. The child may have low self-esteem Tassoni (2003, p.208) argues that children with dyspraxia can develop low self esteem. The child may have emotional and behavioural difficulties according to Tassoni (2003, p206) children may show inappropriate behaviour this can be a result of frustration. Other factors that affect children with dyspraxia, the condition can make it difficult for children to develop social skills, and they may have trouble getting along with peers. While they are intelligent, these children may seem immature and some may develop phobias and obsessive behaviou r. However many young people with dyspraxia may also have the added stress of dealing with coordination problems which may be problematic in physical education classes and other sports activities. Addy (2003, p.11) argues that difficulty in physical education relating to hopping, jumping and balancing. The child may have weaknesses in comprehension; information processing and listening can also contribute to the difficulties experienced by people with dyspraxia. Children with dyspraxia may have difficulty planning and completing fine motor skill tasks. There are two vital pieces of legislative frameworks which have been put in practice to improve the opportunities of those with special educational needs. SEN Disability Act 2001 this act gives disabled children the opportunity to go to mainstream schools and be educated. The local education authority will provide information to the parents and children. This has helped because the child has the opportunity to be educated in mainstream school and work with other children without disability. Another document which contributed towards the right of child with special educational needs is the SEN Code of Practice 2001 which should be followed by every school in the UK. It is aimed to strengthen the right of the disabled child to be educated in mainstream schools where it is appropriate. Although there will still be vital roles for special schools. This can be practiced in schools by the teacher giving information to parents if they believe that their child may have difficulties and may need additional support in school, which the parent should confirm if that is fine with them. The teachers should not discriminate the child who has a disability by underestimating their achievement because they are able to achieve anything that the other children can achieve so it is important not to stereotype. The quote that has been used is educators to inform parents when they make special educational provision for children. This has helped because it has given the opportunity for disabled children to go to normal schools also the teacher must ask permission before taking any action such as putting a child on IEPs. Another issue can be the strategies for supporting children with dyspraxia and removing the barrier to inclusion. The child can be put on IEP plan which describes the goals the staff have set for the child for the school year, as well as any special supports that are needed to help achieve these goals. A child who has difficulty learning and functioning and has been identified as a special needs child is the perfect person for an IEP. The identification and assessment depends on the childs needs, a number of specialists may be involved in the assessment plan. These specialists could include a resource teacher, reading clinician, speech-language pathologist and psychologist. Different professionals are qualified to assess different areas of the childs development. For example, a psychologist assesses a childs cognitive ability or potential. A classroom teacher or resource teacher can assess childrens learning skills or how they learn. An assessment may be done for the following reason s to find out whether the child has a special learning need, to identify the childs current capabilities, skills, and needs finally to find out how those special learning needs affect the childs ability to learn and function in school. Statementing is a recognised procedure of intervention amongst the local education authority and the parents it plans to spot the areas of need and find a treatment. The SENCO will take responsibility for this a statement of special educational needs is a document that sets out the childs needs. The child may have a statement for his or her whole school career, or for just a part of it. Through their annual reviews of the childs statement, the LEA may decide that your child can continue to make good progress with the extra help that an ordinary school can provide within the resources generally available to them. The 3 stages leading to statementing are Early Years Action take places if the childs rate of progress is well below what is expected for children of a similar age and it becomes necessary to take some action which is additional to or different from that usually used. The cause for Early Years Action are when a child makes little or no progress even when different teaching approaches have been tried, continues working in certain areas at levels well below that expected of children of a similar age. Early Education Action Plus occurs when, after talking with parents at the meeting where the Individual Education Plan (IEP) is looked at again, a decision is made to ask for help from outside society. When Early Years Action Plus takes place, advice should always be asked of specialists. The cause of Early Years Action Plus are when a child continues to make little or no progress in certain areas and continues working at Early Years Curriculum levels well below that expected of children o f a similar age. Statutory assessment a statutory assessment becomes necessary when the nursery class or school is not able to provide all the support your child needs. But some parents may worry about their child with special educational needs, education and concerns about schooling, including whether special schools or mainstream education are the best option for their child. According to SENDA 2001 this has set out changes to education for children with SEN in England. It also brings access to education within the responsibility of the Disability Discrimination Act, making it unlawful for education providers to discriminate against disabled children. Support groups can help parents who have special needs children because they will have the opportunity to meet people and socialise with them due to their child having special needs condition which will help the parent to rise self esteem and self confidence. Inclusion this is when the children mix freely with each other and are taught in same groups. There are three types of integrations which are location, social and functional. Location integration children are taught on the same site or schools, social integration children meet at lunch time, playtimes, school plays and assemblys finally functional integration the children are mixing freely with each other and are taught in the same groups. More children with disability have the opportunity to go to mainstream school because the SEN and disability act states that the right of a disabled child to be educated in mainstream schools. Teachers and TAs can help to provide inclusion for children with dyspraxia by being sensitive to a pupils limitations and considering how to provide the best chances of success. In PE, for example, positioning can make a big difference. In the classroom, it is often writing that presents the most obvious problems, so the teacher should think about: the pupils sitting position: both feet on the floor, table and chair height appropriate, sloping writing surface may help. Anchoring the paper or book to the table to avoid slipping, providing a cushion (an old magazine, used paper stapled together) to write on. The writing implements the grip (try different sizes of pen and pencil and various types of grips available from LDA); avoid the use of a hard-tipped pencil or pen. The teacher can provide children with opportunities for practising handwriting patterns and letter formation. The teacher can also provide guide-lines to keep writing straight. The teacher can limit the amount of writi ng required by providing ready-printed sheets or alternative means of recording. Teaching keyboard skills and providing alternative keyboards. Macintyre (2001, p.45) state that opportunities for oral reporting or using a computer are often the best ways to prevent good writing. On the other hand the teacher needs to be careful not to discriminate the child by not providing for their needs. This can occur if a child is disabled and the teacher has lowered the childs ability due to his or her condition and not involve the child fully in group discussion. Which can affect the child by losing self esteem and they will feel that he or she has the ability to do much harder work also be upset and feel left out. This can be avoided by the school having a strong equal opportunity policy. There are number of classroom support strategies for helping children with dyspraxia to succeed in schools. Handwriting difficulties the child can practice using multi-sensory letter formation e.g. sandpaper letters, sky writing. The use of pencil grips will help, writing lines, stencils. Difficulty walking in straight line bumps into people and things another problem may be difficulties running, hopping, jumping, catching/kicking balls. Strategies to support the child the teacher can provide balance or wobble boards, walking on the line and hand to hand throwing using bean bags or water-filled balloons. The role and responsibilities of the SENCO is to be responsible for seeing that all children with special educational need are being helped appropriately, ensuring contact with parents and other professionals. Talking to and advising any member of staff who is concerned about a child. Tassoni state that to be able to lead, motivate and inform other member of staff in matters relating to SEN. Ensuring relevant background information about individual children is collected, recorded and up-dated. They should act in a professional and ethical manner with due regard to confidentiality, data protection and human rights. In conclusion dyspraxia is very difficult condition to identify because it may be confused with other conditions. Schools can provide inclusion for children with dyspraxia as long as they change the way they teach children. In my opinion I think that children with dyspraxia are capable of studying in a mainstream school. Whilst doing this assignment it was difficult to find resources on dypraxia.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

The Ethics of Xenotransplantation Xenotranplantation is the controversial procedure that involves the transplantation of an animal's live cells, tissues, body fluids, or organs 1. Define Canada's position on xenotransplantation Due to fewer deaths caused by car crashes and gunshots, Canada lacks in its number of organ donors. Hoping for development in the xenotransplantation is our only hope at this point. Although Canada is encouraged to participate in further research regarding the xenotransplantation, alternatives to this must also be looked into. The alternatives vary from further stem cell research, and ways to increase to organ donors. 2. Research to determine if/ where research on transplantation is being carried out In Canada, there are no studies of xenotransplantations regarding humans. Many other countries have also been skeptical of putting their country in risk. However the Canadian Public Health Association has discussed xenotransplantations' advantages and concerns. All xenotransplantation was banned worldwide in 1997 because of concerns about a pig virus called porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV) being transmitted to humans. However, several studies published in the late 1990s found no evidence that the virus could produce infectious particles in other species. Some countries, including the US, UK and New Zealand, are now allowing xenotransplantation research to continue on a case-by-case basis. Doctors began investigating different methods with different drugs to prevent rejection of xenotransplants. So far there has not been an entire success. In 1963, Dr Thomas Starzl transplanted kidneys from baboons into six human recipients in Denver, US. The patients survived between 19–98 days. Biotech companies are d... ... they have changed the rules so that whether than people signing up to give up their organs for transplant, people should sign up to refuse. If organ donors increase perhaps we won't be in need of transplanting an animals' organ. 4. Regeneration is the ability of a tissue to repair itself after getting damaged. Not all cells are capable of regeneration. However, scientists have been researching different methods to regenerate human body parts that normally are not capable of regenerating. 6. What is your position on xenotransplantation? Xenotransplantation is one of the most significant technology developed as it allows humans to be saved. Although it is not fully developed yet, I think it would be a great solution to save lives. However, while having xenotransplantation available to use is very important, development in increasing the number of organ donors are a

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Truth of Thanksgiving Essay -- American History Thanksgiving Essay

The Truth of Thanksgiving While children are growing up in America, they are told several tales of America’s establishment and history. However, these stories are generally not told as they actually happened. An instance of this is the story of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is explained as this elaborate ceremony where the Pilgrims and Indians gathered in harmony at this large harvest in celebration of their coming together. According to the primary document of William Bradford’s journal, Thanksgiving didn’t pan out quite as it is explained to Americans today. In the film, The Addams Family Values, the Addams children take part in a traditional, yet misconceived celebration of the first Thanksgiving. This film in comparison to Bradford’s testimony proves how Americans view their history as they please; giving America the official Thanksgiving ceremony even if it never actually happened. In the film, Addams’ Family Values, the Addams’ are depicted as an odd American family. They practice magic, dress in all black, worship the dead, etc. In this specific film, the Addams children, Wednesday and Pugsley, are sent to summer camp. The camp is a Native American activity based camp named Camp Chippewa. At camp, Wednesday and all of her friends are considered â€Å"losers†. Wednesday and Pugsley have black hair, wear all black clothes and, along with all their friends, don’t enjoy typical kid activities, such as watching Disney movies and playing with dolls. All the other children are blonde, rich girls, who are considered the â€Å"cool kids†. They are all apples of their parent’s eyes and truly enjoy being at summer camp. The children partake in typical â€Å"Indian† activities such as shooting bow ... Bradford’s, â€Å"Of Plymouth Plantation†. Americans have such a need to be exceptional and different that they are willing to risk their true history for a celebration that comes only once a year. It is important for American children to learn their true history rather than the alternative in order for them to understand the struggles the original founders went through to create the America we have today. Works Cited The Addams’ Family Values. Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld Perf. Angelica Houston, Raul Julia, Christopher Llyod, Joan Cusack, Christina Ricci, Carol Kane, Jimmy Workman. Paramount,1993. Bradford, William. â€Å"Of Plymouth Plantation.† Ed. Nina Baym. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: 2003. 156-195. Newman, Andrew. â€Å"William Bradford, the ‘Pilgrims’, Thanksgiving†. American Literature I. EGL 217. 06 Feb. 2006. (cited as â€Å"Lecture†)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Health Spa

Space aims to be the premier spa/salon in the Raleigh, NC area. Through a unique combination of offered services and products, they will quickly gain market share. SoulSpace will provide customers with a relaxing, rejuvenating atmosphere where all of their mind and body needs can be met. The business will be set up as a partnership with Steve Long, Debby Long, and Linda Hill-Chinn owning equal portions of the operation. Products and Services SoulSpace offers a wide variety of mind and body healing services and products.The salon aspect of the business will provide both males and females with any type of hair styling services. The spa business is devoted to providing holistic methods of massage, body work, and energy work. This is all done in a relaxing, serene setting. Location SoulSpace has chosen Raleigh, NC as their city for the business venture. Raleigh has consistently over the last few years been voted the best place to work and live in the USA, frequently making the top five a nd ten lists of Forbes, Money, and Inc. magazines.Raleigh has one of the most educated populations that loosely correlates to earning potential, or at least indicates a higher average household income. Additionally, the downtown  area has undergone a recent renovation that has attracted a lot of new businesses as well as become a hot urban area. Competitive Edge SoulSpace's competitive edge is their unique combination of services, location, and customer-centric focus. Both the extraordinary services and location has been detailed previously. SoulSpace has set out since its inception to provide quality, dependable services.SoulSpace has an innovative training program that is extensive in its depth, properly training employees to provide an unprecedented level of customer service. All customers will leave SoulSpace with a feeling that their needs were met well beyond any expectations that they previously had and far better than any competitor. This customer-centric business model is not just rhetoric, there are financial incentives in place for employees to offer unprecedented levels of service. This will ensure a high rate of return customers, allowing SoulSpace to meet their ambitious goal of 90%. FinancialsSoulSpace has forecasted substantial sales revenues by year two. Also by year two the business will reach profitability and have achieved  a healthy profit before taxes. When SoulSpace begins their fundraising efforts they will consider options such as LLC status to replace the partnership business formation that they have currently adopted. SoulSpace is an exciting business that provides a combination of sought after services that are not currently offered by a direct competitor. SoulSpace will provide a relaxing, serene setting for a variety of mind and body rejuvenation services for the booming Raleigh population. . 1 Objectives The objectives for SoulSpace are outlined below: 1. Substantial sales  revenue by end of second year. 2. Profit before ta x by end of second year. 3. Have clientele return rate of  90% by end of first year. 4. Become established community destination by end of  first year. 1. 2 Mission SoulSpace will provide a comforting, yet stimulating, atmosphere in which customers will be able to relax both their body and mind, reconnecting their daily lives to their true purpose through a wide range of holistic methods including massage, body works, energy works, and hair styling.SoulSpace will establish itself as a dependable destination to which they can always come to escape the stresses of life, and rejuvenate their energies, their souls, and their lives. 1. 3 Keys to Success 1. Quality and skilled employees familiar with energy work and oriented to a soothing spiritual disposition. 2. Establish trust within the community that each customer's needs will be taken care of during every visit. 3. Easily accessible location. 4. Effective advertising. Company Summary SoulSpace Holistic Spa and Salon is a new des tination offering customers the unique combination of hair styling, massage,  body and energy work, and raining, all in one beautifully serene setting. Soulspace will offer all ranges of hair styling, therapeutic massage, manicure, facial, sauna, Reiki, therapeutic touch, and specific complimentary product offerings. The goal and promise of SoulSpace can be summed up in our name and slogan:  SoulSpace Holistic Spa and Salon–Rejuvenate Your Life! 2. 1 Company Ownership SoulSpace, at this time, is a privately held partnership, owned by Steve and Debby Long and Linda Hill-Chinn. In the course of fund raising, we will explore the feasibility of both a partnership, and a limited liability partnership. . 2 Start-up Summary In the following  table, the start-up cash has been marked for the estimated amount needed to cover operational expenses for the first two months. Start-up Funding| | | Start-up Expenses to Fund| $94,000| Start-up Assets to Fund| $66,000| Total Funding Requ ired| $160,000| | | Assets| | Non-cash Assets from Start-up| $6,000| Cash Requirements from Start-up| $60,000| Additional Cash Raised| $0| Cash Balance on Starting Date| $60,000| Total Assets| $66,000| | | | | Liabilities and Capital| | | | Liabilities| | Current Borrowing| $0| Long-term Liabilities| $0|Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)| $0| Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)| $0| Total Liabilities| $0| | | Capital| | | | Planned Investment| | Investor 1| $66,000| Investor 2| $47,000| Investor 3| $47,000| Additional Investment Requirement| $0| Total Planned Investment| $160,000| | | Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)| ($94,000)| Total Capital| $66,000| | | | | Total Capital and Liabilities| $66,000| | | Total Funding| $160,000| Start-up| | | Requirements| | | | Start-up Expenses| | Legal| $4,000| Stationery etc. | $2,000| Brochures| $3,000| Construction/Design| $30,000|Insurance| $3,000| Rent| $20,000| Research and Development| $0| Expensed Equipment| $15,000| Other| $17 ,000| Total Start-up Expenses| $94,000| | | Start-up Assets| | Cash Required| $60,000| Start-up Inventory| $6,000| Other Current Assets| $0| Long-term Assets| $0| Total Assets| $66,000| | | Total Requirements| $160,000| 2. 3 Company Locations and Facilities Target sites for SoulSpace  include downtown Raleigh in the Warehouse District and Art Districts, West Raleigh near Entertainment Sports Arena, and a  rural area off route 40/440 between Raleigh and Cary.SoulSpace will need at least 4,000 square feet (sq. ft. )  of space. Initial estimates put leasing between $12/sq. ft. to $28/sq. ft. (inclusive of tax and accommodations). Contact has been made with Mary Hobbson of Grub & Ellis Real Estate for 4,200 sq. ft. at 510 Glenwood Avenue downtown Raleigh. This site is within the target priority area in part of the Warehouse District in what is now referred to as Glenwood South. The lease is $28/sq. ft. , making estimated payments at $9,800/month, the most expensive of all targ et sites.We also have met with Peter Pace of York Properties when shown the space available at 200 West Street in Raleigh's Warehouse district. This space is in priority target range, and will be two blocks from the Raleigh Commuter Rail Hub due to open in the next five to eight years. The location is spacious at 10,000 sq. ft. , with first floor (5,000 sq. ft. ) leasing at $12. 50/sq. ft. and the basement floor (5,000 sq. ft. ) leasing at $8/sq. ft. , which averages out to $10. 25/sq. ft. for the entire 10,000 sq. ft. location.This makes this space cheaper than the other locations, and has twice the space. We have also met with David Stowe of Anthony Allenton Real Estate when shown space at the Royal Bakery on Hillsborough Street across from Meredith College. This location is within priority target, and has 6,000 sq. ft. at $20. 60/sq. ft. This site is extremely attractive for it offers many accommodations such as plumbing, electrical, and hvac, that will save us tremendously on co nstruction costs, thusly counterbalancing the expense of rent, which is only $300, over our high-ended estimated budget.Also, this space is primely located on Hillsborough, 1/4 mile from the Beltine, and two miles from Highway 40. It is also the site of a future Commuter Rail Station. They have also built a large parking decking which will be free to all patrons. Products and Services SoulSpace will provide customers with personal beautifying and relaxational services and complimenting products, as well as training in specific forms of energy work, accessible materials on a wide range of health-related topics, and the option to purchase artwork displayed in SoulSpace.Explanations and/or consultations will be provided on all services and products if needed. 3. 1 Product and Service Description 1. Men and Women Hair Styling:  Men's  ($30 average)  and women's  ($40 average)  color ($75), perm ($80), and combos ($80-$120). Selected hair care products (shampoos, conditioners, cleansers, brushes, mirrors) will be sold as well. 2. Body Works:  Massage ($60), other massage/body works ($65 average), facials ($60 average), manicures ($45), pedicures ($50-$65), waxing ($20 average), aromatherapy ($40), and combos ($60-$200 depending).Specific complementing products will be sold as well. 3. Energy Works:  Reiki (1/2 hour $35, 1 hour $60), energy revitalization (1 hour $60), and therapeutic touch (1 hour $60). Customers will include  people wishing to strengthen their physical body, mind, and spirit through the cleaning and revitalizing of their energetic system (i. e. , aura, human energy field). The Reiki offered will be traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho, the predominant form of Reiki practiced worldwide, which originated in Japan from it's rediscoverer Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is a hands-on â€Å"stepping† method of balancing the energy field.Energy revitalization and therapeutic touch are energy field cleansing and revitalizing techniques working with t he outer levels of the energy field along with Reiki. 4. Artwork: Most of the artwork in SoulSpace will be  by local artists, for sale to the customers. SoulSpace will earn a 15% commission on each piece sold. This adds an extra element of community integration to SoulSpace with an added emphasis of the art being from beginning artists, and that the art be spiritual and/or modern in form. 3. 2 Competitive Comparison There are many salons in the greater Raleigh area but no direct competitors.There are many places offering massage, but there are only ten day spas, of which only four are a spa/salon. There is one place offering energy work, in Clayton (30 minutes southeast from downtown Raleigh). All energy work practitioners are private, of which there are only ten working full-time, with most of them concentrating on other alternative modalities, and an estimated ten (twenty at the very most) part-time energy practitioners. Not including Chapel Hill and Durham, the above service an estimated population of at least 800,000, with that figure growing by an estimated 6,000 persons daily. . 3 Sales Literature Services brochure, logo/slogan with advertising to be included, and a planned website. 3. 4 Fulfillment SoulSpace services sell themselves as a natural way to rejuvenate one's life. 3. 5 Technology SoulSpace will sell complementing products of the highest quality that have not been created through the testing of animals, and are of the latest scientific knowing for effecting the desired results for body beautification and energetic balancing maintenance. 3. 6 Future Products and Services SoulSpace will add healing touch when Steve Long earns his certification.SoulSpace will always  remain involved with the best spa relaxational techniques offered, and will implement them if deemed appropriate and feasible for SoulSpace clientele. Market Analysis Summary There are no exact competitors, and few related competitors in the greater Raleigh area. There are no rel ated competitors in the downtown Raleigh area. The space at 510 Glenwood was recommended to us by the managing realtors because they had targeted that space for a spa type tenant. By nature of the service SoulSpace will provide, success will be readily achieved. 4. 1 Market SegmentationOur target market will be divided by salon customers and spa customers. Salon customers will be from every age and gender; however, since the salon and spa will be in direct association with each other, we expect that the spa market segment will greatly affect the salon market segment. Thusly, our target market segment will be male and female professionals and retirees, from the age of 25, with individual and household incomes greater than $25,000. Market Analysis| | | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Year 4| Year 5| | Potential Customers| Growth| | | | | | CAGR| +$25K 5 mi. Radius Raleigh| 2%| 50,500| 51,510| 52,540| 53,591| 54,663| 2. 0%| +$25K 5 mi. Radius West Raleigh| 2%| 53,000| 54,060| 55,141| 56,244| 5 7,369| 2. 00%| Total| 2. 00%| 103,500| 105,570| 107,681| 109,835| 112,032| 2. 00%| 4. 2 Target Market Segment Strategy The members of these market segments have luxury money on hand, and lead professional lives  filled with stress at a consistent level. All persons usually need hair styling regardless of income level, and make the effort to find the money available to style their â€Å"look. † 4. 2. 1 Market Needs People love to pamper themselves, especially people who have achieved a modicum level of professional success.Raleigh has become  a bastion for the successful, having consistently been named as one of the best cities in America to live and to do business in since the mid 1990's. This has created a community of wealth, mobility, and growth. Raleigh has successfully implemented a refurbishing plan of â€Å"old† downtown, which now makes Glenwood South, the Warehouse District, and Hillsborough Street one of the most popular destinations in the whole city. 4. 2. 2 Market Trends With the refurbishment of Raleigh's Warehouse District, including Glenwood South, and it's continual development of downtown Raleigh, this area will nly become more popular. 4. 2. 3 Market Growth When  Forbes, Inc. ,  and  Money, Inc. listed Raleigh as the best place to live and do business, and subsequently listed Raleigh in the top five and top ten in the following years, a population boom ensued in the late 1990's. The North Carolina census released in October 2000 reports  that an average of 6,000 persons per day were relocating to the greater Raleigh area. According to this census, the Triangle has one of the highest concentrations of Ph. D. ‘s per square mile in the world. The average income per household is $40,000-$60,000  and climbing.According to the  Raleigh News & Observer  reports of Raleigh City Counsel meetings concerning growth, the continuing refurbishment of downtown Raleigh is a top priority, along with a complete overha ul of the mass transit system. New buses and taxis are funded and are to be implemented during the next two years. A Commuter Rail System run by the Triangle Transit Authority is supposed to be finalized May 1, 2001, and completed by 2007-2008, with rail stations throughout downtown, running up Hillsborough Street going to RDU Airport then connecting to Chapel Hill and Durham; later phases include branch rails to North Raleigh.The refurbishment plan continues, and downtown is now populated with more destinations than ever, with the plan growing even more businesses. The future looks very promising for a thriving downtown with a continual presence of customers. 4. 3 Service Business Analysis We are part of the retail health and beauty industry which has four major types: 1. Salons: Stores with only hair styling services and products. 2. Day Spas: Stores specializing in body health maintenance through a variety of services and products. 3.Day Spa & Salon: Stores combining the serv ices of the two aforementioned. 4. Health & Beauty Products: Stores selling only merchandise products covering the wide range of products available but not inclusive of those sold by salons and spas. 4. 3. 1 Main Competitors The main competitors are Salon 21 with a location in downtown Raleigh, Von Kekel with locations in East Cary and North Raleigh, Soigne' with a location in mid North Raleigh, Emerald City with a location in Northwest Raleigh, Image with a location in far North Raleigh, Millennium 2000 with a location n North Raleigh, Devine with a location in mid North Raleigh, and Warren Scott with a location in far North Raleigh. Also, by nature of their popularity we must also include these spas as main competition: Skin Sense with locations in downtown Cary and far North Raleigh, and Iatria in far North Raleigh. Strengths of the above are services offered: location proximity to major housing developments, and name recognition. The weaknesses of these competitors are gener al lack of promotion, concentration mainly in North Raleigh.With our target location being downtown Raleigh, we will be servicing East, South, West, and Old Raleigh, as well as downtown commuters. There are no salon-spas in West Raleigh, the closest being Von Kekel in East Cary, and the spa only Skin Sense also in Cary. The only downtown competitor, Salon 21, is very small, not very well known, and concentrates most of their business on the salon end. Our market advantage is wide open, and will give us the opportunity to service a large population base that is not currently being well served.When you include our service of energy works, we become the sole provider of all three services of hair works, body works, and energy works  not only in downtown Raleigh, but for the entire greater Raleigh area. 4. 3. 2 Business Participants Industry participants are those whose services include salon and spa offerings. Salon services concern hair styling, while spa services concern body relax ing and rejuvenating offerings such as massage, and nail  and face works. 4. 3. 3 Competition and Buying PatternsCustomers choose spa and salon services based on proximity to their daily travels from home and work, reputation for quality, and good pricing. With our combined services, we expect to compete mainly against other combination spa-salons. Strategy and Implementation Summary 1. Emphasize quality, originality, and dependability of service. We will differentiate ourselves from our competitors by offering a staff of practitioners who are not only certified in their professions, but will be trained in understanding the dynamics of individual energy systems so as to maximize the connection to their client and more easily meet the needs of he client. 2. We will provide a unique atmosphere. From the name to the ambience of our salon, SoulSpace will distinguish itself as a completely trustworthy and soothing setting where customers can enjoy being pampered and escape the stress o f their everyday lives. 3. Build a community relationship-oriented business. We will focus on strengthening the trust of our customer base, and providing not only services, but information that will aid everyone in the progression of obtaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. We will also work with local artists to provide their work to inspire our customers. 5. Value Proposition Our value proposition is that we will bring a unique mode of relaxation and fulfillment to our community. When people are relaxed, comfortable, and happy, they have the ability to work harder, concentrate better, feel   physically, emotionally, and mentally balanced, and give that happiness back into their homes, workplaces, and community. Simply put, our value proposition is that we help our community become a better place to live and work. 5. 2 Competitive Edge Our competitive edge is  a combination of our unique services, outstanding location, and our interaction with customers.By providing our cust omers a holistic and integrative spa and salon, we build relationships of trust and satisfaction. Our customers will come to depend on our unique services and fulfilling environment. 5. 3 Marketing Strategy Our marketing strategy is the key to our success: 1. Emphasize  our name and unique services through advertising. 2. Focus on the convenience of our location. 3. Build community relationships through unique and quality service, friendly and caring atmosphere, and establishing absolute dependability of our services. 5. 3. 1 Promotion StrategyOur promotional strategy will be two-fold:  first phase promotion will deal with advertising before, during, and six months following our opening; the second phase advertising will deal with all  long-term advertising. 1. FIRST PHASE PROMOTIONS A. Advertising We will utilize local newspaper, local social and health magazines, local radio, local television, mail-outs to all households within the immediate five mile radius, and  mail-out s to all local business within a five-mile radius. B. Internet We will have a comprehensive website. C. AlliancesWe will place our brochures within the offices of our medical referral clients. 2. SECOND PHASE PROMOTIONS A. Advertising We will continue to place ads in the local social  and health magazines year around. Mail-outs will be done again within a five-mile radius one year later after opening, then again only every three to five years. Radio and television ads will be done only when we have sale promotions during the most stressful times of the year for the Christmas season, and graduation; television ads are not certain, we will evaluate their effectiveness before further implementation.B. Internet We will continue to have a comprehensive website. After the  first six months, and certainly after the first year, we will evaluate the viability of having target clients advertise on our site, and conversely, we will evaluate viability of advertising on our target clients we bsites (if applicable). C. Alliances This type of advertising will be implemented once we have grown beyond our break-even point. We will also form advertising alliances with any business with whom we share common business goals.We will also implement mutual perks with our business and restaurant neighbors which will aid in local visibility. Advertising promotions with certain restaurants will also be considered. 5. 3. 2 Marketing Programs Owner Steve Long will be responsible for marketing SoulSpace through the advertising channels. The general manager will be responsible for assisting with the implementation of alliance advertising partnerships. Our advertising budget is $10,000 for the first year. Advertising will begin one week prior to opening. 5. 3. 3 Positioning StatementWe will automatically position ourselves as one of the top spa-salons in the greater Raleigh area. Considering that none of the other competitors will offer the range of services we will, or that their staffs will be trained like ours, and that there are not any spa-salons of our type in our target locations, we will be able to provide services to a portion of Raleigh populace not currently being tapped. 5. 3. 4 Pricing Strategy Our pricing strategy will be similar to that of our competitors. We will not charge over, nor substantially under, standard prices for our services.We will be paying our employees a higher straight percentage of their total individual customer sales than our competitors. This will allow us to hire the best employees, and have a built-in motivational factor that will keep them working hard and happily. 5. 4 Sales Strategy 1. Our umbrella sales strategy is to sell SoulSpace to public consumers as a uniquely desirable destination that will enhance their lives. 2. We will sell SoulSpace through each employee's skill, courtesy, and warmth, creating a trusting impression on all customers, thusly establishing loyalty and return.We will ensure each visit to SoulSpace is a relaxing and memorable experience, so that  customers can always depend on our brand of service when they arrive. 5. 4. 1 Sales Forecast The important elements of the Sales Forecast are shown in the chart and table below. Initial sales forecasts indicate vigorous first year  sales,  almost doubling by the  end of second year, then leveling out somewhat by the  end of third year. These figures are based only on revenue from minimum average estimates from salon stylings and spa massages only, with sales cost reflective of the 60% commission earnings to each stylist/therapist.Sales Forecast| | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Sales| | | | Salon Styles Only Revenue| $717,500| $1,400,000| $1,600,000| Spa Massage Only Revenue| $182,500| $350,000| $400,000| Total Sales| $900,000| $1,750,000| $2,000,000| | | | | Direct Cost of Sales| Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Salon Styles Only Revenue| $429,300| $840,000| $960,000| Spa Massage Only Revenue| $109,500| $210,000| $240,000| Subtotal Direct Cos t of Sales| $538,800| $1,050,000| $1,200,000| 5. 4. 2 Sales Programs 1. Our comprehensive brochure will explain  the holistic nature of our services, and how this benefits the customer. 2.Our website will be comprehensively informative of our services and their benefits. 5. 5 Strategic Alliances We will form alliances with our referral practitioners, local restaurants, offices, and businesses who will be strategically beneficial for generating new customers; we will also form alliances with  local certified massage schools and hair styling schools. 5. 6 Milestones The following table lists important store milestones, with dates, implementation duty, and budgets for each. The milestone schedule emphasizes the timeliness for implementation per the sales and marketing targets listed in detail in the previous topics.Milestones| | | | | | | Milestone| Start Date| End Date| Budget| Manager| Department| Business Plan| 1/15/2001| 2/1/2001| $0| Steve| Owner| Financial Backing| 2/1/2001| 2/5/2001| $200,000| Steve| Owner| Design Contractor Retainer| 2/5/2001| 5/1/2001| $5,000| Steve| Owner| Construction Contractor Retainer| 2/5/2001| 5/1/2001| $20,000| Steve| Owner| Lease Agreement| 1/17/2001| 2/12/2001| $20,000| Steve| Owner| Logo Design| 2/12/2001| 3/1/2001| $1,000| Steve| Owner| Business Cards (Initial)| 2/19/2001| 3/1/2001| $300| Steve| Owner| Brochures| 3/1/2001| 5/1/2001| $3,000| Steve| Owner|Grand Opening| 5/1/2001| 6/1/2001| $0| Steve| Owner| Seven Customers Per Stylist/Therapist| 8/1/2001| 9/1/2001| $0| Steve| Owner| Totals| | | $249,300| | | Management Summary The management philosophy of SoulSpace is based on respect for each of our fellow employees, respect for every customer, and individual responsibility. SoulSpace's success is dependent on the warmth and uniqueness of its atmosphere which is generated by a fun-loving and caring employee. The management team will consist of the owner, general manager, and assistant manager (if deemed necessary).We will hire only those whom demonstrate  the qualities necessary for working in a nurturing environment, and the willingness to move forward in study of energetic principals if not already so trained. We will be hiring the ultimate â€Å"people persons. † 6. 1 Organizational Structure Our initial team consists of 14 employees, inclusive of a general manager and an assistant manager,  both of whom will be active stylists/therapists. Employees will be in from the two store divisions of spa and salon. On the salon side there will be 10 stylists and one or two receptionists.There will be room for expansion to 12-15 stylists and three receptionists. The spa side will consist of three massage therapists, one energy therapist, one nail specialist, and one receptionist. There will be room for expansion to five to seven massage therapists, and  two to three energy therapists. 6. 2 Management Team Steven J. Long, co-owner, president:  Founded SoulSpace in 2001. He has a degree in psyc hology from NC State, a  concentration in industrial/organizational with emphasis on communication.He has been a Reiki Master Usui Shiki Ryoho since 1996 and operates part-time healing practice from home. He has  eight years management experience, six in retail, two in electronic component rep field for distribution. Mr. Long spent  three years in the modeling industry, one as model and two as the manager of an agency in Raleigh in 1991. Deborah L. Long, co-owner:  Debby will not be directly involved in daily operations, but will assist Steve in general organizational planning and vision implementation. Debby currently is the number one co-location sales manager for SpectraSite, Inc. here she has worked for two years. She spent several years as an executive assistant at TDK of America's Distribution Sales Center in Chicago, and at Cotton Incorporated. She is a level two Usui Shiki Ryoho. Linda Hill-Chinn, co-owner, CFO:  Linda is retired after having spent 15 years as seni or national staffing specialist for the American Hospital Association in Chicago, as well as serving on their board of directors for several national projects. She also spent several years managing Planned Parenthood of Chicago.Linda holds a Masters of sociology  from Brown University. Jennifer McElravey, general manager: For the past nine years, Jennifer has been one of the top stylist for Mitchell's Hair Design of Raleigh and is currently a level five stylist, Salon Designer of the Year '94-97, and received  extra training at Vidal Sassoon of London, Highest Salon Retail Sales four different years. Jennifer is also a level two Usui Shiki Ryoho. 6. 3 Management Team Gaps We believe the experience of our team covers the needs to make the business plan for SoulSpace a very successful reality.The assistant manager is not named here because that position will be named from the pool of stylists/therapists that will be hired previous to our opening. 6. 4 Personnel Plan The Personnel Plan below reflects our projected need at opening, and carries through the second year expansions. Personnel Plan| | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Steve Long, Owner, President| $65,040| $65,040| $65,040| General Manager| $60,000| $60,000| $60,000| %100 Commissioned Employees| $150| $156| $156| Receptionist| $15,360| $15,360| $15,360| Receptionist| $15,360| $30,620| $30,620| Total People| 17| 18| 18| | | | | Total Payroll| $155,910| $171,176| $171,176|Financial Plan The premier element in our financial plan is initiating, maintaining, and improving the factors that create, stabilize, and increase our cash flow: 1. We must create visibility so as to create customer flow. 2. We must maintain a dependable,  happy employee force so as to minimize turnover. 3. Create a brisk turnaround on our retail and art products, always maintaining viable stock levels. 7. 1 Important Assumptions The key underlying assumptions of our financial plan shown in the following general assumptions table are: 1. W e assume access to equity capital and financing to support our financial plan. 2.We assume our financial progress based on realistic sales to minimum sales against highest expenses. 3. We assume there will not be an economic crash that would greatly hinder our target market's access to their personal luxury funds. General Assumptions| | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Plan Month| 1| 2| 3| Current Interest Rate| 10. 00%| 10. 00%| 10. 00%| Long-term Interest Rate| 10. 00%| 10. 00%| 10. 00%| Tax Rate| 2. 50%| 0. 00%| 2. 50%| Other| 0| 0| 0| 7. 2 Key Financial Indicators Our most important Key Financial Indicator is when each stylist averages seven customers per day and each therapist averages three customers per day. . 3 Break-even Analysis For our Break-even Analysis we assume estimated monthly operational costs which include payroll, rent, utilities, and other running costs (not including employee draw fund considerations). Payroll alone is only estimated to about 1/2 of those costs. The ana lysis shows what we need to generate in  revenues per month to break even. This total is 13% less than estimated monthly store gross. This estimation does not include revenue from any other store sources, and is based on a salon customer average of $36 and spa customer average of $60. Our average per customer revenue is estimated at $39.Considering our minimal assumptions show a monthly total customer average of 1,922, we therefore believe our break-even figures can be readily maintained. Break-even Analysis| | | | | Monthly Revenue Break-even| $73,567| | | Assumptions:| | Average Percent Variable Cost| 60%| Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost| $29,525| 7. 4 Projected Profit and Loss There are two important assumptions with our Projected Profit and Loss statement: 1. We  expect to have to pay out from the Draw Fund occasionally. 2. Our revenue is based on minimum estimated averages against highest expense expectations. Pro Forma Profit and Loss| Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Sales| $900,000| $1,750,000| $2,000,000| Direct Cost of Sales| $538,800| $1,050,000| $1,200,000| Other| $0| $0| $0| Total Cost of Sales| $538,800| $1,050,000| $1,200,000| | | | | Gross Margin| $361,200| $700,000| $800,000| Gross Margin %| 40. 13%| 40. 00%| 40. 00%| | | | | | | | | Expenses| | | | Payroll| $155,910| $171,176| $171,176| Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses| $34,000| $39,000| $41,000| Depreciation| $0| $0| $0| Rent| $120,000| $120,000| $120,000| Leased Equipment| $0| $0| $0| Utilities| $9,000| $9,000| $9,000| Insurance| $12,000| $12,000| $12,000|Payroll Taxes| $23,387| $25,676| $25,676| Other| $0| $0| $0| | | | | Total Operating Expenses| $354,297| $376,852| $378,852| | | | | Profit Before Interest and Taxes| $6,904| $323,148| $421,148| EBITDA| $6,904| $323,148| $421,148| Interest Expense| $0| $0| $0| Taxes Incurred| ($2,907)| $0| $10,529| | | | | Net Profit| $9,810| $323,148| $410,619| Net Profit/Sales| 1. 09%| 18. 47%| 20. 53%| 7. 5 Projected Cash Flow Considering our business is a luxury, retail-oriented business with customers who will pay primarily with credit cards, our cash flow is not dependant on the issuance of invoices and the vagaries of Accounts Payable.We will need a minimum of financing to cover the cash flows of the first year of operations. After that, the cash flow becomes continual. Pro Forma Cash Flow| | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Cash Received| | | | | | | | Cash from Operations| | | | Cash Sales| $900,000| $1,750,000| $2,000,000| Subtotal Cash from Operations| $900,000| $1,750,000| $2,000,000| | | | | Additional Cash Received| | | | Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received| $0| $0| $0| New Current Borrowing| $0| $0| $0| New Other Liabilities (interest-free)| $0| $0| $0| New Long-term Liabilities| $0| $0| $0| Sales of Other Current Assets| $0| $0| $0| Sales of Long-term Assets| $0| $0| $0|New Investment Received| $0| $0| $0| Subtotal Cash Received| $900,000| $1,750,000| $2,000,000| | | | | Expenditures| Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| | | | | Expenditures fr om Operations| | | | Cash Spending| $155,910| $171,176| $171,176| Bill Payments| $719,414| $1,263,200| $1,423,005| Subtotal Spent on Operations| $875,324| $1,434,376| $1,594,181| | | | | Additional Cash Spent| | | | Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out| $0| $0| $0| Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing| $0| $0| $0| Other Liabilities Principal Repayment| $0| $0| $0| Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment| $0| $0| $0| Purchase Other Current Assets| $0| $0| $0|Purchase Long-term Assets| $0| $0| $0| Dividends| $0| $0| $0| Subtotal Cash Spent| $875,324| $1,434,376| $1,594,181| | | | | Net Cash Flow| $24,676| $315,624| $405,819| Cash Balance| $84,676| $400,299| $806,118| 7. 6 Projected Balance Sheet Our Projected Balance Sheet shows we will not have any difficulty meeting our debt obligations as long as our revenue projections are met. Pro Forma Balance Sheet| | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Assets| | | | | | | | Current Assets| | | | Cash| $84,676| $400,299| $806,118| Inventory| $54,450| $10 6,111| $121,269| Other Current Assets| $0| $0| $0| Total Current Assets| $139,126| $506,410| $927,387| | | | |Long-term Assets| | | | Long-term Assets| $0| $0| $0| Accumulated Depreciation| $0| $0| $0| Total Long-term Assets| $0| $0| $0| Total Assets| $139,126| $506,410| $927,387| | | | | Liabilities and Capital| Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| | | | | Current Liabilities| | | | Accounts Payable| $63,316| $107,452| $117,811| Current Borrowing| $0| $0| $0| Other Current Liabilities| $0| $0| $0| Subtotal Current Liabilities| $63,316| $107,452| $117,811| | | | | Long-term Liabilities| $0| $0| $0| Total Liabilities| $63,316| $107,452| $117,811| | | | | Paid-in Capital| $160,000| $160,000| $160,000| Retained Earnings| ($94,000)| ($84,190)| $238,958|Earnings| $9,810| $323,148| $410,619| Total Capital| $75,810| $398,958| $809,577| Total Liabilities and Capital| $139,126| $506,410| $927,387| | | | | Net Worth| $75,810| $398,958| $809,577| 7. 7 Business Ratios The follow table contains important bus iness ratios for the  physical fitness facilities  industry, as determined by the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code, 7991. Ratio Analysis| | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Industry Profile| Sales Growth| 0. 00%| 94. 44%| 14. 29%| 15. 90%| | | | | | Percent of Total Assets| | | | | Inventory| 39. 14%| 20. 95%| 13. 08%| 3. 60%| Other Current Assets| 0. 00%| 0. 00%| 0. 00%| 31. 10%|Total Current Assets| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 39. 00%| Long-term Assets| 0. 00%| 0. 00%| 0. 00%| 61. 00%| Total Assets| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| | | | | | Current Liabilities| 45. 51%| 21. 22%| 12. 70%| 34. 80%| Long-term Liabilities| 0. 00%| 0. 00%| 0. 00%| 27. 60%| Total Liabilities| 45. 51%| 21. 22%| 12. 70%| 62. 40%| Net Worth| 54. 49%| 78. 78%| 87. 30%| 37. 60%| | | | | | Percent of Sales| | | | | Sales| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| Gross Margin| 40. 13%| 40. 00%| 40. 00%| 0. 00%| Selling, General ;amp; Administrative Expenses| 39. 37%| 21. 53%| 18. 94%| 73. 20%| A dvertising Expenses| 1. 11%| 0. 86%| 0. 5%| 2. 40%| Profit Before Interest and Taxes| 0. 77%| 18. 47%| 21. 06%| 2. 70%| | | | | | Main Ratios| | | | | Current| 2. 20| 4. 71| 7. 87| 1. 10| Quick| 1. 34| 3. 73| 6. 84| 0. 73| Total Debt to Total Assets| 45. 51%| 21. 22%| 12. 70%| 62. 40%| Pre-tax Return on Net Worth| 9. 11%| 81. 00%| 52. 02%| 3. 00%| Pre-tax Return on Assets| 4. 96%| 63. 81%| 45. 41%| 7. 90%| | | | | | Additional Ratios| Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| | Net Profit Margin| 1. 09%| 18. 47%| 20. 53%| n. a| Return on Equity| 12. 94%| 81. 00%| 50. 72%| n. a| | | | | | Activity Ratios| | | | | Inventory Turnover| 10. 91| 13. 08| 10. 56| n. a| Accounts Payable Turnover| 12. 6| 12. 17| 12. 17| n. a| Payment Days| 27| 24| 29| n. a| Total Asset Turnover| 6. 47| 3. 46| 2. 16| n. a| | | | | | Debt Ratios| | | | | Debt to Net Worth| 0. 84| 0. 27| 0. 15| n. a| Current Liab. to Liab. | 1. 00| 1. 00| 1. 00| n. a| | | | | | Liquidity Ratios| | | | | Net Working Capital| $75,810| $398,958| $80 9,577| n. a| Interest Coverage| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| n. a| | | | | | Additional Ratios| | | | | Assets to Sales| 0. 15| 0. 29| 0. 46| n. a| Current Debt/Total Assets| 46%| 21%| 13%| n. a| Acid Test| 1. 34| 3. 73| 6. 84| n. a| Sales/Net Worth| 11. 87| 4. 39| 2. 47| n. a| Dividend Payout| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| n. a|